We the Theodore Roosevelt High School Alumni Association (TRHSAA) would like to take this opportunity to thank the First Two Alumni to make their donation to our Scholarship Fund Challenge.
We have had several donations to arrive since we began the Scholarship Fund Challenge, and we thank you all for your generous contributions to this worthy cause.
The Challenge will continue until the end of June 2021.
Shout Out Thanks to:
Alumni Kevin Wyatt Class of 1978
In recognition of your donation to the
Theodore Roosevelt Alumni Association, Scholarship Fund Challenge.
You were the first alumni that responded with a double donation that earmarked your graduation year, 1978 as well as the length of time you’ve been out of school, 43 years.
You make a difference in the lives of others.
Alumni Kay Cadette Chan Class of 1986
In recognition of your donation to the
Theodore Roosevelt Alumni Association, Scholarship Fund Challenge.
You were the second alumni that responded with a double donation that earmarked your graduation year, 1986 as well as the length of time you’ve been out of school, 35 years.
You make a difference in the lives of others.